Posted: 4 Aug 2023

Officially opening the Walvis Bay Maritime Festival on the 04 August 2023 in Walvis Bay, under the theme “Preserving a healthy Ocean Ecosystem for a Resilient Economy”, the Mayor of Walvis Bay, His Worship Hon. Cllr. Trevino Forbes; stressed the need for entities benefiting from the ‘Blue Economy’ to do so sustainably enabling the future generations to continuously reap fruits from the labor of the current efforts of those in leadership. The Mayor further encouraged commercial entities to remain resilient in the face of sometimes daunting challenges, the fact that the ‘Blue Economy’ serves a multitude of service sectors within the global economic spectrum justified the establishment of the Maritime Festival for the furtherance of mutual co-existence of all role players through networking and the exchange of integration initiatives. The Walvis Bay Maritime Festival was attended by various Ambassador’s, the Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services, Mayors’, Local Authority Councilors’, Chief Executive Officers of Local Authorities and Captains of Industry, this platform was equally the Launch of the Festival which will be hosted annually by the Walvis Bay Municipality.