The anticipated preparedness for the future, belongs to those who start planning for it today. The training in leadership and exposure to public policy implementation featured on the induction agenda of the Lüderitz Town Council Junior Council, comprising of Cllr. Aina Andreas; Cllr. Tonata Daniel; Cllr. Thersuan Fortuin; Cllr. Luz-wein Pieters; Cllr. Christy-Ann Beukes; Cllr. Sara Shindi [In Absence] and Cllr. Mcallen Cloete; facilitated by Ms. Annelien Van Wyk. The First Servant His Worship, the Mayor Hon. Cllr. Phillippus A. Balhao has placed youth leadership development on the top of the Council’s priorities through the reintroduction of the Junior Council to the fold of the Lüderitz Town Council, during his tenure. The induction was held from the 5-6 April 2024 at the Lüderitz Town Council Chambers, the Junior Councilor’s were exposed to participating in the democratic process through the election of the Junior Mayor from amongst and selected Cllr. Aina Andreas as their leader